Process Hacker News for October 16, 2017

I started publishing Hack the Process as a podcast last year to gather and share insights from people who’ve managed to get over the hurdle of going from an idea to putting something real out into the world. One of the things I learned along the way was how helpful it can be to curate… Continue reading Process Hacker News for October 16, 2017

Process Hacker News for October 9, 2017

It’s been another busy week for a our community of Process Hackers, so here’s an update on what some of the previous guests on Hack the Process have been working on. Be sure to take a look or a listen and give them your feedback. Everybody appreciates hearing how their work is being received! And… Continue reading Process Hacker News for October 9, 2017

Process Hacker News for October 2, 2017

We’ve been doing this show for a while, and the amazing folks who’ve come to share their processes continue to evolve and create projects and resources that are worth keeping up with. To help make that easier for everybody, I thought it would be good to share a few recent updates from some of Process… Continue reading Process Hacker News for October 2, 2017

Building Your Community First with Alex Hillman on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 19

A lot of people think of a coworking arrangement as renting a desk when you can’t work anywhere else. But Alex Hillman, the founder of Indy Hall, sees it as an opportunity to build a community, and maybe even help define the future of professional relationships both in and out of physical space. In this… Continue reading Building Your Community First with Alex Hillman on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 19

Life Coaching for Transformation with Paula Jenkins on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 4

In this episode we chat with Paula Jenkins, a transformational life coach with a background in project management who decided to apply her practical experience to the universal quest for joy. She’s also the host of a podcast called Jumpstart Your Joy, where she talks with people about the ways they make joy part of… Continue reading Life Coaching for Transformation with Paula Jenkins on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 4