I started publishing Hack the Process as a podcast last year to gather and share insights from people who’ve managed to get over the hurdle of going from an idea to putting something real out into the world. One of the things I learned along the way was how helpful it can be to curate regular lists of inspiring publications and services. And since I’ve been following our growing community of Process Hackers, here are some of their recent updates you might appreciate. Check out what they’re working on, and please be sure to let them know what you think by offering your feedback.
Process Hacker Updates
Ron Lichty talks Scrum techniques in his upcoming workshop in SF on October 21. Join up to discover more about Scrum and Agile practices and how they can help your product and teams.
Brennan Dunn will be flying off to different parts of the world to speak for Converted Conference 2017 and DCBKK. If you’re on that side of the map and you’re interested in joining these business conferences, be sure to grab a ticket and drop by.
See the video and transcript of Design Systems Are For People, a presentation made by Jina Anne for Design Systems Coalition NYC held last August.
JuVan Langford insists you to be present and to plan for your future in his latest YouTube video. Check out the link to get a dose of much-needed inspiration!
Join Rich Mironov when he co-hosts Leading Teams and Products That Count, an invite-only event for product managers happening in November in San Francisco.
Ashe Dryden is calling willing sponsors to come out and support AlterConf. She is now also open for booking for consulting and speaking on diversity and inclusion issues in tech. If your tech staff needs to learn some sensitivity and knowledge on these fields, get in touch with her today!
You have a company? You want to find some new apps that might be useful for your business? Ricky Yean would like to help you search for journalists to follow who are relevant to your business with his new app. It’s also been featured on Product Hunt. Come test out his new app!
Heart of Business by Mark Silver has put up a new blog post written by Steve Mattus for all you entrepreneurs who might be seeking some business advice.
Note: I’m working on ways to curate this list appropriately for both the blog and the newsletter. Please send me your comments so I can keep tweaking it to meet your needs. Thanks!