It’s been another busy week for a our community of Process Hackers, so here’s an update on what some of the previous guests on Hack the Process have been working on. Be sure to take a look or a listen and give them your feedback. Everybody appreciates hearing how their work is being received! And by the way, this is just the tip of the iceberg for this prolific crowd. I’m thinking about offering a more comprehensive listing in the newsletter. Please let me know if you think that would be useful.
Process Hacker Updates
Infatuation, Thy Name Is Love is the latest episode of Rendition, a new podcast about timeless tales, which was launched last week and is brought to you by Alex Cespedes.
Tom Morkes shares secrets on How to Use the Power of Storytelling with Jose Rosado, his 123rd episode of In The Trenches.
Curtis McHale says that intentions are great, but the only thing that matters is doing it. Listen in to his latest short episode promoting Jocko Podcast here. You may also find tidbits of good advice on his most recent blog posts, so check those out as well!
In a recent article on Huffington Post, Nicole Holland was named one of the 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs in 2017. Awesome!
Luis Congdon just recently had Pam Brossman on as guest on his podcast with Kamala Chambers, and the new episode is all about using Amazon to create a bestselling book.
Side Hustle Pro released an episode featuring Latham Thomas, where Nicaila Matthews talks about her on her dedication to the world of moms, birthing and self-care.
Gnomes, gnomes, gnomes! Learn what Pace Smith refers to as gnomes and how they help in healing and even in controlling other folks in her newest podcast episode on The Dervish and The Mermaid.
Note: And yes, I do mean everyone appreciates getting feedback, including me. Please let me know what you think of this feature in the comments, or use the contact form.
Thanks for the support, M David. It’s always greatly appreciated.
This is a handy list you’ve curated here, I’m gonna check out the Nicole Holland feature and Side Hustle Pro.
Happy hacking!
Glad you like it, Alex. Thanks for the vote of confidence. And best of luck with the new show!