Discover Your Inner Fitness Superhero With Julian Hayes on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 52

It’s possible to go from comic book nerd to fitness superhero, and Julian Hayes is proof of that. Julian turned himself into a writer, a speaker, and a coach by applying daily discipline to his routines while tracking his progress to figure out what worked best for his clients and for himself. In this episode… Continue reading Discover Your Inner Fitness Superhero With Julian Hayes on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 52

Get Uncomfortably Awake With Michelle Kim on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 51

Blending activism and entrepreneurship sounds like a delicate dance, but as a Diversity and Inclusion Consultant and a career coach, Michelle Kim is showing us how to make it happen, one uncomfortable conversation at a time. In this episode of Hack the Process, Michelle will explain why diversity training for startups is about more than… Continue reading Get Uncomfortably Awake With Michelle Kim on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 51

Staying In Control And Figuring Out What You Want With Heather Chauvin on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 48

What does a trained social worker do when she’s faced with handling her own child’s emotional issues? For Heather Chauvin, the answer was to look inside herself so she could model the behavior she wanted, and then share what she learned with the world. Now Heather coaches parents on mindfulness for their children and themselves,… Continue reading Staying In Control And Figuring Out What You Want With Heather Chauvin on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 48

Mindful Marketing and Coaching with Guy and Ilan Ferdman from Satori Prime on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 44

The problems we face can sometimes show us the path we need to follow. Brothers Guy and Ilan Ferdman learned this early, transforming their personal struggles with depression and financial hardship into a marketing and personal transformation business, Satori Prime, that lets them explore their own educational growth while also helping others. In this episode… Continue reading Mindful Marketing and Coaching with Guy and Ilan Ferdman from Satori Prime on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 44

Balancing Activism, Privilege, and Social Media with Frank Strona on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 43

Frank Strona is a public health advisor for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who served on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues in 2016. He also runs a private consultancy called MentorSF, where he teaches clients of all generations how to use social media to share their personal stories and… Continue reading Balancing Activism, Privilege, and Social Media with Frank Strona on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 43