I started publishing Hack the Process as a podcast last year to gather and share insights from people who’ve managed to get over the hurdle of going from an idea to putting something real out into the world. One of the things I learned along the way was how helpful it can be to curate… Continue reading Process Hacker News for October 16, 2017
Tag: Ron Lichty
Agile Management for the Unmanageable with Ron Lichty on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 9
In this episode we chat with Ron Lichty, who discovered his passion for technology early on, when he realized that programming in assembly language was easier for him than writing in English. And he knows the difference, because he’s also worked as a journalist and published several books with co-authors. His most recent book, Managing… Continue reading Agile Management for the Unmanageable with Ron Lichty on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 9