Life doesn’t always give you the best choices, but knowing what to try and being willing to fail can lead to the most valuable lessons. That’s how Bill Wooditch translated his early frustrations in sales into running a $100 million company while building a career as a speaker and writer, including his new book, “Fail… Continue reading Bill Wooditch Teaches the Philosophy of Failure on Hack the Process Podcast
Tag: sales
Collective Bargaining For Ecommerce Companies With Barth Getto on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 68
In an industry like online commerce that’s so dominated by big players like Amazon, a cooperative may be the answer to giving the small business owner a voice. That’s what Barth Getto is trying to make happen with Empowery, a member-owned nonprofit designed to support ecommerce sellers in running their companies, promoting their interests, and… Continue reading Collective Bargaining For Ecommerce Companies With Barth Getto on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 68
Confidently Growing Your Business with Tiffani Bova on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 67
Growth is usually the goal for any business, but what does growth mean to you, and how much are you willing to change in order to achieve it? Tiffani Bova has spent a career studying growth in companies large and small, going from being an analyst at Gartner to becoming the global customer growth and… Continue reading Confidently Growing Your Business with Tiffani Bova on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 67
Turning Quizzes Into Customer Engagement with Josh Haynam on Hack the Process Podcast, Episide 53
You’ve probably tried one of those quizzes on Facebook that asks what superhero you would be, or what your sales style says about you. What you might not have known is how important quizzes like that can be for acquiring customers and building a relationship with them. In this episode of Hack the Process we… Continue reading Turning Quizzes Into Customer Engagement with Josh Haynam on Hack the Process Podcast, Episide 53
Radically Transparent Entrepreneurship with Justin McGill on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 32
As a serial entrepreneur, Justin McGill has embraced the concept of radical transparency, sharing the successes and failures of his ventures openly every week as the co-host of a public podcast, Zero to Scale. That’s allowed him to turn both his internal and external research into marketing, and grow the audience for his current company,… Continue reading Radically Transparent Entrepreneurship with Justin McGill on Hack the Process Podcast, Episode 32